Friday, June 29, 2007

You know who I'm talking about........

Thank you!!!!

Nurse humor

Main Entry: en·e·ma
Function: noun
Pronunciation: 'e-n&-m&
Inflected Form(s): plural enemas also ene·ma·ta/"e-n&-'mä-t&, 'e-n&-m&-t&/
Etymology: Late Latin, from Greek, from enienai to inject, from en- + hienai to send -- more at JET
1 : the injection of liquid into the intestine by way of the anus
2 : material for injection as an enema

Ahhhhh.......the dreaded enema. Some say that enemas are good for the soul......mind cleansing, amongst other types of cleansing. HAHA As a nurse, you gotta love this picture. Yes people, we nurses have a sick sense of humor. I found this picture coming out of Buca di Beppo's and I had to take a picture.
Love, love, love the pic!!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Girls afternoon/evening out

After a grueling 12hrs of work the other night and due to another reason (I wanted to escape out of town for the day) we decided to have a girls afternoon/evening out. We decided on Buca di Beppo and we are all glad we did. We had a great time and we hope on visiting it again soon.

More Buca...

Outside Buca di Beppo's

Man, oh man is it hot and humid. Those peach bellini's hit the spot. Some nice lady took a picture of us........

Buca di Beppo

Here we are getting ready to leave Buca di Beppo's after a wonderful, delicious meal.
Deb had some pasta dish with rosa sauce, Sunya had pork with a blueberry sauce and roasted veggies and I had chicken marsala which melted in your mouth. And, the frozen peach bellinis were just what the doctor ordered on that hot and muggy day. Good food, great atmosphere and the best friends that one could have. Thanks Deb for the belated b'day dinner. And, Sunya.......thanks again for all you have done.
By the way......our bartender/waitress was great. Glad we sat in the bar area.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

"Sexy Rexy Rose"

Here is part of the "Sexy Rexy Rose" blooming. The rosebush has lots of blooms. I think that dad thinks it's cool the the rose has his name, Rex. Plus, add the sexy...and........LOL

"Sexy Rexy rose bloom"

Mom and dad both wearing the "Sexy Rexy" rose bloom

Sunday, June 24, 2007

"We love our job"

Question of the you love your job? How many people actually say that they love their jobs? Lots? A few? Well, in my opinion, most probably don't. Sunya and her husband went to a conference a few weeks back and she brought a few of us "I love my job" pins.
She gave one to Deb and one to me. As I walk thru the unit I have received many comments on my pin. If I have something going wrong.....or if I am frustrated, I just point to my pin .....and, everyone gets the point. haha
Sunya, Deb and I are posing for this picture after a frustrating 12hrs of work. Happy Sunday everyone!!

Friday, June 22, 2007

"Sexy Rexy"

For mom's birthday, dad came home with a rose bush. The type of rose is called "Sexy Rexy." Of course my dad's name is Rex
This is one of the first blooms off the rose bush. The rose bush has 29 blooms on at the moment. Very pretty sexy Rexy...

Kaleb's 1st birthday

Angie sent me this picture over the cell phone. Hi Kaleb.

Below is his birthday cake. Looks like he's going to be a "Thomas the train" type of guy.

Happy Birthday little one.

Smile.....your on Vicky's camera....

I love this picture of the two boys. Kaleb and his grandpa.
I even tried to take the red eyes out in this picture. At times with his red eyes, he looks like the devil's baby.
Sorry Angie.....I don't mean it.
Kaleb just looks so innocent in this picture. He's so cute.
You just want to grab him, pick him up and just run away with him.
I miss you Kaleb. When are you coming to Ohio to see us again??

Kaleb and his grandpa...

This is little Kaleb and his grandpa. Kaleb, his mommy and grandpa came up to Ohio to visit again. Isn't he cute with that little puckered up mouth? Each time we see him, he has changed so much. He is growing like a weed. Way to fast.

Several months old...

Time goes by to fast. Here is Kaleb when he was 3-4 months old. His mommy and grandpa came up to Ohio to visit his great grandma and grandpa. Of course we all fought to hold him. He is just like his daddy with the red eyes. (sorry I didn't fix the red eye )

Happy Birthday Kaleb

Happy birthday to you...
Happy birthday to you...
Happy birthday dear Kaleb..
Happy birthday to you!
This is my great nephew. He is celebrating his 1st birthday today. His daddy is stationed in San Francisco. Next week they will be moving to Seattle.
Tonight he will be flying back to Virginia with his grandpa who is visiting california for his birthday. He is a good boy and we can't wait to see him!
Hi Kaleb........Hi Chris...
Hi Angie....hope to see you guys real soon!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

My Dad.....

Dad....have you ever wondered where your kids get their weirdness from? you think that it could be passed from one generation to the next?
By looking at this be the judge. LOL

Do we look alike?

This is mom and her sister Shirley. We had went down to Aunt Shirley's with a b'day cake to celebrate my day. Can you guess who is the oldest? It's hard to get Aunt Shirley to smile in any of her pictures. SMILE Aunt Shirley!!!!

"The Big 50"

May 29th was my 50th birthday, hence the Blog name. Does life really begin at 50....or does the saying go, "Life begins at 40?" I think life is what you make of it. I don't feel 50 mentally. Physically....hmmmm......could drop a few pounds and I would definitely feel younger. My friend from florida, Jan, sent my this lovely arrangement. What a nice suprise to hear a knock on the door, open it and find some nice delivery man with these beautiful flowers.
Thanks Jan for the flowers.....thank you Sunya Bell for our wonderful trip to Vegas. Mom and dad.....thanks for the flowers, the wreath, the hose and the b'day cake and for what you do for me everyday.

Mom and dad

This is probably the first of many, many pictures this summer. Mom and dad on their front porch. Their anniversary will be coming up pretty soon. July 3rd.
52 years of marriage. Most couples don't make it to 25yrs nowadays. What is their secret to a long and happy marriage? What does marriage consist of nowadays? I believe that no marriage is perfect. You both must compromise.
Will I ever be happily married? Is Mr Right out there somewhere?

"It's that time of year..."

Well, here it is at the end of May when this picture was taken. I call it "Dad's creation." It's that time of year.....flower planting. He put the white rocks in at each side of the house, I donated the swing. Planted little red geraniums all along the front of the house. The barrell looks nice and his grass came up good that he planted around the barrell. Yes, and that's mom sitting on the front porch of her domain. Happy spring, Happy summer.


Of course, mom is saying, "what do you have to take my picture for?" I say for memories......I want memories. Petunia basket that I got her for Mother's Day.

Sunya and the fountains....

Sunya in front of the fountains at the Paris Hotel in Las Vegas. We had walked quite a ways in the 90 degree hot, dry temperature and this fountain was a welcome relief to our hot, weary foreheads. Haha. Of course we wanted to jump in them, but we had a flight to catch and didn't want to get on the plane all wet. Maybe next time?

"Paris Las Vegas"

Paris Las Vegas

"oooh la la"

Can you believe that in less than 24hrs we have traveled from Ohio to Las Vegas and now we are going to Paris. (that is the Paris Hotel). Oh well.....We went up into the Eiffel Tower and saw great views of Las Vegas. I asked the woman that was running the elevator, on what scale was this buildt towards the real one in Paris. It is half as big as the real Eiffel Tower. Good little tidbit to know.

Flowers/fountains in Vegas

Flowers and fountains in the Caesars Palace courtyard

More flowers

Sunflowers in the gardens of the Bellagio

Flowers in Vegas


The modern day Roman Soldier

Well.....actually Sunya bought this for her nephew Even. She was just trying it out all in the name of fun.
Sunya? Where is your toga????

Las Vegas Blvd

Otherwise known as
"the strip"

2 roses in full bloom amongst the other roses

Flowers, flowers everywhere. This picture is of 2 blooming roses amongst many other roses. Yes, you got it...I'm talking about Sunya and me. Here we are in the gardens at the Bellagio. If I could just have what they spent on flowers in this one hotel, I probably wouldn't have to work for years. The flowers were gorgeous everywhere we went. The ferris wheels seats were full of sunflowers, one of my favorites.

uploading pics

Hi all...
I have been having a really hard time uploading pictures to the blog. If you have noticed, everything is way off date. I am going to try to do better now if my computer cooperates. LOL

"A New Day"

"Hush now
I see a light in the sky
Oh it's almost blinding me
I can't believe I 've been touched by
an angel with love.
Let the rain come down
and wash away my tears
Let it fill my soul
And drown my tears
Let it shatter the walls
For a new sun
A new day has come
A new day has come"

That is the chorus from Celine's song "A New Day." The concert was "fan"-tabulous. The company was wonderful (meaning Sunya). Celine's voice, her stage presence, the dancers....breathtaking. A show well worth seeing.
I wonder if she is as nice in person, as she acts on the stage? Is she has humble as she acts?

This picture was taken of Sunya and me outside Caesars Palace where we stayed for the night. Beautiful room. Very elegant and classic. The gardens and fountains were beautiful.

Notice my Celine t-shirt that Sunya got for me.....Do I look like the typical concert goer and tourist?? At 2pm we left for the airport to head back to Ohio. What a fast and glorious trip!!! Thank you Sunya Bell. Luv ya more than Chris's outrageous cake. (you know what that means. hehe)

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Viva Las Vegas

I had just finished watching "American Idol gives back" and my cell phone rang. It was my friend Sunya and she wanted to know if I wanted to fly to Vegas and see Celine Dion in concert.
She had been watching the show too, and Celine was one of the guest singers and it put the thought in her mind to go see her show since it is ending in december. We are both fans of Celine and I said, why not? To my surprise, she bought my ticket to the show for my 50th birthday present (amongst many other things). So, on thursday, May 24th at 4:00am we headed to the airport for our jetset adventure. We would be arriving in Las Vegas at 9:00am and leaving the next day at 2:00pm.