Thursday, July 26, 2007

"Drink please"

After a nice stroll to the Alamo, we were headed back to our hotel and it started raining pretty hard and our packed umbrellas were still packed. LOL We decided to stop by the Buckhorn Saloon. Deb had a couple of beers......and, I had 2 fuzzy navels. Do you think that somebody liked to hunt in this place??


Vanda said...

Pardon me, 2 fuzzy navels ???? ROFL ~ What on earth are they?

Vicky said...

LOL's a drink made with orange juice, vodka and peach schnapps...Very tasty... :)

Vanda said...

Oooo sounds like my kinda drink. I'll try ordering one next time we're out and see what they say ~ lol!