Monday, July 9, 2007

Sad, so sad.......

Today I sit in sadness for a young lady that I never met. A long-time friend in Miami sent me an email this morning letting me know that his daughter committed suicide saturday night. I am sad for her family. No one will ever understand the grief that they will be going thru. I am sad for her sister, who I think is one year older. Not having her sister around will be very hard. You expect to grow old with your sister, reliving memories of your childhood, your boyfriends, school days and growing up. Memories of your future children/husband/family. Of course, there is her father to think about. As a parent you expect to see your child grow from an innocent child to a mature adult. You don't expect to bury your child. Life teaches us that parents die first, then their children.

Most of all, I feel sorry for this young lady. What was going on in her deepest thoughts to trigger something horrible like this? Her father.....her sister.....her mother are all hurting, but the hurt that this young woman felt deep, deep down must have been the worst pain that anyone could ever imagine.

There is more to this story, things that I can't print. Yes, she was in therapy.
Her dad said she had her good days, along with the bad. As a nurse, I don't understand depression, I don't understand mental illness. I don't understand what goes on so deep in the brain that by killing herself can bring you the peace that you so long for.

Sarah......I don't know you. I hope you are at peace now, your mind at rest. Your family will continue on but I know in their hearts they will carry your memory with them forever.

1 comment:

Vanda said...

Oh Vicky, that's so sad {{{hugs}}}